Sunday, November 06, 2005

Remember Remember

Who rules Britain? Was that the dilemma facing the king in 1605 when Guy Fawkes attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament. James I seemed to be more sympathetic towards the Roman Catholics but only a short time into his reign they were being fined and executed for holding onto the old religion.
Would an uprising against the King see a catholic monarch on the throne? What if he could be killed along with his parliament in what has become known as the gunpowder plot. Would this force a change of mind and usher in a more tolerant era?
In the event the plot was foiled, the gunpowder was discovered and Guy Fawkes and his conspirators were captured and found guilty of treason.
Can this struggle find parallels in our modern world. In their production of Remember Remember The Riding Lights Theatre Company told the 400 year old story alongside personal accounts from the 20th century. The Northern Irish troubles and the more recent terrorist attacks on the US and London.
The production unfolded the tensions in England at the time of Guy Fawkes very effectively. Bridget Forman's clever, if complicated script, had me sitting on the edge of my seat towards the end of the play. I left the Friargate Theatre in York feeling stimulated and informed, but not everyone felt the same. Some said that Remember Remember suffered from attempting to be too comprehensive and consequently over intense. Personally I like this aspect of their productions - but I concede that it may not be to everyone's liking.
Remember Remember is on tour until November 27th including six dates in Northern Ireland.


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