Thursday, November 03, 2005

Exploring a Parallel Universe

Following my post yesterday here's a timely article in Christianity Today Magazine that has just dropped into my inbox. It starts to explain the question Why does the word evangelical threaten so many people in our culture? In Britain there's one campaigning group that is daily throwing fuel on the fires of fear and hate. Christian Voice regularly exaggerates the views of Christians and those of other faith and none. As a result it often receives publicity out of all proportion to it's support base. I have written to the leader of this group, Stephen Green, to object to him appearing to represent evangelical Christians. He replied to me and conceded some of the points I had made, but there seems to have been little change to the Christian Voice campaign as a result.
This week I have been training a group of aspiring broadcasters. Just three people, one an evangelical Christian, another a Muslim young woman observing Ramadan. I learned so much about Islam as she discussed her faith with intelligence and real devotion. The conversations provoked me to look at the practice of my faith, and to discuss it with other people on the course. The tolerance shown would stand as an example to anyone who thinks that religion is divisive. In this case it brought us together.


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