Thursday, September 07, 2006

There's a country to run

I think it's time to change the way we run the country. The last two significant governments in Britian have ended in acrimony and I think it's because we have no way to bring the whole thing to an end. In the US there are fixed terms for government. Leaders know how long they have to run things and that's it. Here, the process is in the hands of the ruling party. There's a notional date for a general election, but it can be called at any time at the discretion of the Prime Minister. And there seems to be no way for a Prime Minister to step down without being knifed in the back.

So we should have a General Election after four years, and if a Prime Minister wants to step down from office, that too should either trigger a general election or some other kind of election for the office.

The recriminations of the last few days must never be repeated. They're a disgrace. I am ashamed to be British at the moment. There are much bigger issues than "Whose turn is it now?", and they are being neglected because a small number of nobody Labour MPs think they can manipulate events.

I have issues with Tony Blair, but he's the best Labour Prime Minister ever, and if we're not careful we'll end up throwing it all away and getting a Cameron premiership in his place - and then where will we be?


At 1:54 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Tony Blair is the best british prime minister ever, I am glad that he was not the worst.

At 10:18 pm , Blogger Dawnriser said...

I'm not sure about best ever, but I think he is the best Labour Prime Minister


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